decision was made. We (Dad, Chris and myself) decided to take the safer option and fish Shelley Beach and then fi

nish at the tarpon lagoon. Initially the decision seemed right, there was a good high tide at about 7.30am till 8.30am and from last week there appeared to be plenty of fish around. We arrived and started the walk in. A big problem for Dad, the water was to high and he had to stop half way.

Chris and I had to do some manuvering to get around but after an hour we made. Well we fished for about 3 hours but to no avail. There was some minor fish movement but not as much as the previous week. There was a large group of dugong working the area which was interesting to watch. The tides were different and so was the barametric pressure this may have thrown the fish out of there feeding patterns. We then dropped Chris of at home and moved onto the tarpon spot south of Townsville. We found some nice fish and happily landed a few. Dad managed his first on fly! The final count for the competition was 3 legal for catch and release (only the best 2 will count) and 5 undersize for catch and release undersize competition. An interesting competition weekend.