Well I need to go out in the boat for many reasons. Today I thought I would go out for a quite fish. I decided not to invite any one as I thought it would be uncomfortable but mainly I wasn't sure where I would end up and probably no fish anyway.
As it turns out I had a great fish!
I tried to catch something around the pylons but no touches on the fly. I thought before going home, as the wind was building, I would try over at Cockle Bay. I arrived at the mark and hooked up to 2 nice trevally! Cool! then as I started cast and retrieving some thing larger seemed to be around. It buried me into some structure? After another hit and finally hooked up. Yeah it turned out to be a nice 75cm Barra!

The rig was a 10 wt and a shooting t14 head plus a white/rainbow deciever with gold eyes. Yeah nice day, I wanted to stay longer but there was not enough ice so after only an hour and a half I was home and cleaning up. Not a long day but for me as a fly fisher a significant day.