NQ Fly Fishers Mounthly outing

Yesterday I joined Ward and the rest of the NQ Fly Fishers on their monthly outing. Ward planned to show a few of the guys some of the Freshwater options we have here in Townsville. We met up at the big BP in Cluden and by 7.30am 3 car loads of keen fisherman were heading south.

At our first location we were expecting to catch mainly Sooty Grunter, with the chance of a Tarpon or Barramundi. But the Sooties eluded us, and instead member Ray landed this beautiful 58.5cm Barramundi. A lovely fish from a rather tight and sticky situation. After a few happy snaps the fish was tagged and set free.

A couple of the other members caught a 30cm Tarpon, and our youngest member of just 10 years old caught a little Gar Fish, his first capture on fly. But all in all it was very quiet. So off to our next location....... But that proved a little difficult, with the 4wds having too much fun in the sand trying to get out!!

Our next stop was where last weekend Ward and I have had a great time with Barra and Sooties. But it was midday on our arrival, and things had shut down completely for the middle of the day period. We hit the area pretty hard, but managed only one Sooty at 29cm. Next!!

Final stop was a small lagoon on the way home. Some smaller tarpon were out to play, with several fish in the 20-30cm range landed. And to finish up, I landed 2 small barra that were tagged and let go.

A great morning was had by all. If you would like more information about joining the North Queensland Fly Fishers contact Ward Nicholas on his email.