About the Fishing Townsville Owner

Malcolm Brown (aka Sailfish)
Website owner
Twitter: @fishtownsville
Youtube Channel: Fishing Townvsille
Radio: VHF 22 (sailfish)
Boat: Seafarer Vantage 485 (aka 485sf)
Kayaks: 2 x Extreme Outlaws + 2 Extreme Fish Bandits

Bio: I was born in Wollongong NSW but grew up on the border town of Cobram after my parents separated. Most of my childhood was spent on the Murray River chasing the elusive Murray Cod. But I also caught Redfin, Yellowbelly, Silver Perch and the common Carp. When I got my license I would also occasionally head into the colder water and chase a Trout or two. School holidays were always spent with my father at Batemens Bay. Here we would chase the mighty Snapper at every opportunity. But I also enjoyed chasing Tuna and Kings. After high-school I moved to Townsville in 1995 to complete a Marine Biology degree. The fishing in Townsville was not as easy at the TV shows had made out, and I spent a long time learning the various techniques and locations. But fishing for Doggie Mackerel off the end of the breakwall with my old mate Christian was definitely a highlight. I met my wife Tania toward the end of my first year of University, and we started going out early the following year. I completed my Marine Biology degree and moved into Honours. But at the completion of Honours, rather than continue into a PhD, I crossed over to Education. I completed the Education degree in 2000. I then spend 6 months working as a Marine Biologist on the cruise ship 'Coral Princess II'. For that time I practically lived on the reef, cruising between Townsville and Cairns. I got to drive the glass bottom boat all day, and even hand fed big GT's on the back platform. I than began teaching in 2001. Tania and I soon married and we purchased our first boat, a Quintrex Topender 475 with Yamaha 60hp 4-stroke. We initially fished the Weedbeds and inshore area quite frequently, but soon began running further afield to the Maggie Shoals. We were never particularly successful, but had a great time. When the weather was no good we would put the boat in Morrisseys and live bait for Barramundi and Fingermark. Tania gave birth to our first son, Lachlan, in December 2004 and then Sebastian in 2006. We really enjoyed family fishing, but the Quintrex just didn't cut it for a young family. So in 2008 we sold the Quintrex and purchased a Cruise Craft Outsider 575 with 130hp Yamaha Saltwater series. This was a great family fishing boat, and we spent many nights on the water with all 4 of us sleeping in the cabin. Fishing the shoals for Nannygai and Spanish Mackerel soon became our favourite destination. The boat has been away with us as far north as Port Douglas and south to Airlie Beach. More recently my father moved from NSW to Townsville to be closer to us and enjoy the fishing North Queensland has on offer. We went halves in a small tinnie so we could fish the creeks when the weather was no good for the bigger boats. This is where my addiction for lure casting began! We installed an electric motor and began chasing Barra and Jack on lures almost every weekend. The addiction was so strong, that even when the wind was down, I was thinking more about chasing Barra than putting the big boat in the water. So in 2013 the decision was made to sell the Outsider that wan't getting used, and sell the tinnie, and purchase one boat that would do it all. And thanks to Townsville Marine the Seafarer Vantage 4.85 seems to be that boat. 

I began this website early in 2008 with the intent of sharing my learning experience. When I arrived in Townsville I anticipated some spectacular fishing. All the TV shows made out North Queensland as a  hot fishing paradise. I soon learned that its a lot harder find and catch fish than it looked. Don't get me wrong, there is some great fishing in our area, but there is a lot of hush hush too. I didn't even know where the local boat ramps were located, and there wasn't anything to help find them. I thought a site like this might help people visiting the area, or who are new to Townsville, to get a bit of a start. I don't claim to be an expert, I'm not even very good, but I like to write and share my learning experiences. Hopefully others find some of the information on these pages useful, and if it helps them to catch a fish then I have succeeded in my goal.