Tarpon in the wet
The North Queensland Fly fishers had there first trip this weekend. As the weather was perfect (windy, wet and very wet!) we decided to chase some tarpon. At the Thursday night meeting we decided to stay local so we found a close to Town wetlands and went searching. Ward, Richard S., David, Jeff and Kieran. We searched the many tongues of water and searched. in the end all members landed tarpon for Richard and Kieran there first! We discussed how to catch the fish, where to catch the fish and stripping techniques. Well done to a hardy group. Who said you cannot cast a 5wt in 30-40 kts! The flies were generally pink, floating lines and rod weight from a 5wt to a 9wt. For the record 13 tarpon and 1 tilarpia. I will let the photos do the talking.