Well, what a welcome back to Townsville after a brief break in Melbourne. Richard and I decided to go for a quiet fish out the back of Rattlesnake. We were hoping to catch a fish or two pewhaps a mackerel and a tuna. We left relatively early, not! and arrived at our spot about 7.30am. We did a drift after seeing some nice colour on the sounder and a legal mackerel joined the boat, nice start. Then Richard found a nannagai and we thought we might have a good day. Richard decided to work a little harder and landed a very nice fingermark, he was pleased! But wait there is more Richard got hit hard on his squid pattern and landed a 65cm fingermark,this time he was very happy! After trying a number of different flies I went back to a white pattern and also managed a smaller but still nice fingermark. Then to cap the day off a nice 95cm cobia joined us. A great day and nice reintroduction to fishing in North Queensland.