This weekend has been a bit slow particularly with the wind. So we fished the the creeks to see what would happen. To cut a short story very short no luck in Crystal Creek or Balgal Beach. So I went for a little paddle this morning and found a nice spot where there was a few pike working. I usually use a white bait fish pattern which again was very handy, the only problem was the pike ate all the flies! I ran out, all I had left was a black woolly bugger. Not really thinking this was going to work off it went. Yep it worked! As Rick said they were very hungry! There was something else working the school but all I discovered about it, was that it ate live pike! Still all good fun. While I am here just a reminder that fly tying is on this week at 7.15 pm at Sunfish Hall and the fly of choice is a blue water variety, so anything from a small tuna fly through to a large deceiver. See you all there.