NQ Flyfishers October Meet

The NQ Flyfisher’s went out Saturday morning. Initially we were looking at fishing Cape Cleveland and then inshore at Cockle Bay as the tide starting making. But the best layed plans went a little astray with the weather, so we ended up working Cockle Bay only. 

After an uneventful trip across the bay (though very wet on Bears boat), we headed off into two different sections of the cockle bay. Bear, Richard S and Dave went onto the flats near the mangroves and worked this area, while Richard W and myself worked the flats out the front. We stayed in radio contact and reported to each other as we went along. After awhile it was evident that the flats out the front were working better. Richard and I managed a nice haul of 8 different species. This included stripies, cod, coral trout, and trevally. I will let the photos tell the rest.

Ward Nicholas