A feed from Ross River
Saturday was the Baptist Church Fishing Club monthly competition day. With the weather a little dodgy our best hope was a run over to the Weedbeds to look for a Mackerel or two. But when we woke up at 4.30am the wind was howling outside our place. So the decision was made to bail on the big boat and take the kids into the creek in the tinnie. But which creek? Well, by the time we managed to get organised and drive out of the driveway we were wishing we had stuck with plan A, the wind had dropped considerably. But we were committed now. It wasn't until we crossed the train tracks on the way south out of town that we decided which creek to go to, Ross River. We just couldn't be bothered driving too far, and the sun was already making an appearance.
So we put in a bit after 6am and headed up river slightly to a set of snags at the mouth of a creek. There were plenty of bites here, but all very small Bream. We were fishing with half pillies on a 3/0 chemically sharpened hook an tiny pea sinker.
The tide was running out and we decided to go looking for bigger fish, so we ran up the creek opposite the boat ramp. Its a good looking creek that seems to have plenty of water most of the way up. We found an outer bank in 3m of water with good structure and tied up. It was pretty tight country and the first fish had me in the snags pretty quick. But the next few baits managed 2 Bream in the 27-28cm class.
We re-positioned the boat a little further from snags to give us better access, and over the next hour or so we landed several small Mangrove Jack up to 40cm, some more small bream and a nice flathead. We had had enough by mid morning and headed home with a nice feed.