Morning on Soft Plastics

Well, with Dion's report Friday that the conditions on the water where pretty ordinary, I decided to can putting the boat in. Not sure if it was the right choice or not? But I had a good morning anyway.

Set the alarm for 4.30am and left home about quarter to 5. Headed initially to Alva Beach to chase a few Flathead. The tide had just started to make its way back in when I arrived. And there were a few nice drop-offs and gullies running with water. Some likely looking spots produced a couple of smaller fish and a few misses.

I moved into the drop off of the main channel and missed a couple of knocks when something different jumped on. To my surprise a nice little Travalley was soon at my feet. Quick pic and he was away.

I started making my way back as I was worried about being stranded by the incoming tide, but a ledge with water running over the top was too good to resist. There was bait flicking in the eddie and I was sure a Flattie would be there. Sure enough, about 3 casts and one hit. This was the best one of the morning. A keeper for sure, but I let him go anyway.

Leaving the beach at about 8.30 I wasn't ready for home. So I drove to a lagoon just North of Ayr. I was hoping for a nice Tarpon, but it was getting late in the day. On arrival it looked pretty quiet. But after about 10mins I began to see some stirring and bigger splashes. I was soon on to a good fish. But with only 10lb leader on my Stradic 1000, lifting the fish to the bank was almost impossible. And it won its freedom. A few casts later and I was on again. This time as I got the fish to the bank it did one last jump, and I managed to use this jump to ease the fish onto the grass. YES one in the bag. And a good one too. Yet to put it on the scales, but must be close to 2kg. Over the next 1/2 hour or so I hooked and.....released.... um yeah, released is the word, another 4 or 5.

Final destination was another small lagoon on the way home. Managed one small Barra of about 30cm. Then it was home for lunch. Not a bad morning throwing around some small soft plastics on a very light spin stick.