Land Based Townsville
The plan for this trip was to fish on Friday and Saturday. Liam and I chose 4 different fishing venues and moved through three on the Friday and one on Saturday. We only moved if the spot was not working or we had achived our target species.
The first place we tried was our sure fire Barramundi and Tarpon hole south of Townsville. We arrived around 7.30am for a morning fish. The hole we usually fished was starting to weed over but we persisted. After an hour no touches so we moved to our next location.
This time we parked near the Haughton river and went for a walk. We found a nice spot were another stream entered the sytem again this place looked the goods. We tried upstream and downstream of our starting position but the bank stopped our progress in both directions. Again after an hour we stopped and headed for our original location.
On the way we had a play with the new truck! It was nice to get back to some basic 4wding! After being a little silly we went back to see if the Barramundi were interested in playing. We arrived around 10.30am and found a couple of young lads already there. We had a few casts but the music from there car and again a lack of fish drove us home. Hope the boys did well. 
The last place for the day was closer to dark around 5.30pm. Again a location close to home. This time we were chasing tarpon and finally just as we were about to leave, we both managed a couple of fish for the competition and a reasonable size Tilarpia . Liam landed the most and he pointed out a couple of fish for me to cast to, as he was not in the right position to get to them. Luckily for me they came to the fly. So after an hour at this spot between us we had 7 tarpon.
The last day we thought we would try a little further from home. We took the girls with us and had a nice day out. We fished the spot pretty heavily chasing mainly sooties with a possibility of Tarpon and Barramundi. The spot we chose was fairly small in area across the bank. This proved useful as usually the sooties held close to the opposite side! Usually this spot is productive for at least a couple of fish each. Today nothing came to the fly. Liam missed two and I did not get a touch. So after a few hours of fishing over the two days we went to the weigh in.
This was interesting to say the least. I usually go for the social aspect but this time was different. The folk in the club had a hard weekend of fishing. As it turned out Liam won the Junior competition! So well done Liam. I had a good result with a win in the Senior Men and Lure division. As much as it is not about the winning it was nice for fly to come up on top against all types of fishing.