Coral Reef Fin Fish Closure Dates

Just a friendly reminder that the first of the Fin Fish closures begins this Wednesday. The following is directly from the DPI&F website.

Commercial and recreational fishers and charter boat operators around Queensland are being reminded that coral reef fin fish are off limits for three nine-day periods from October to December.

"The closures are in place to protect spawning aggregations of some iconic coral reef fin fish species like coral trout," said Fisheries resource manager Dr Brigid Kerrigan.

The closures for 2008 will be:

  • 22 October to 30 October inclusive
  • 21 November to 29 November inclusive
  • 21 December to 29 December inclusive

For Queensland commercial fishers the closures apply to all Queensland east coast waters between latitude 10°41´S and 24°50´S.

For recreational fishers and recreational fishers on charter boats the closures apply to all waters within the Australian Fishing Zone adjacent to the east coast between latitude 10°41´S and 24°50´S.

"The closures, which occur every year, change depending on the new moon phases so it is important that people who fish for coral reef fin fish keep up to date with the latest information," said Dr Kerrigan.

For up-to-date information on recreational fishing rules and regulations check the website or contact the Business Information Centre on 13 25 23.