Weekend Exploits

Definitely some mixed results fishing last weekend. Decided to take the Kayak for a paddle down Alva Beach way to chase some Flathead. This time last year we had a fantastic session with over 20 fish caught in the 50-60cm range. But times have changed! Came home with a big fat doughnut. Paddled all over the upper reaches of the inlet, and made hundreds of cast. Not even a bump! Spoke to a few other anglers in the area and it was pretty much the same story all round. Very disappointing, great looking water and a beautiful place to go for a paddle.

Sunday morning I decided to go for a solo run in the boat. Had to make up for the day before somehow! Winds were predicted to be 15knots, but I suspected the morning would be ok. So I put the boat in early and headed to my spot. Light 5-10knots on the water, easy fishable.

I arrived at the mark I wanted to fish and found another boat already anchored. These guys were bait fishing and their lines we hanging off one side of the boat with current. I did the right thing and dropped the electric in and approached on the up current side. I said hi to the guys and asked how they were going. Initial response was a bit aggressive with usual 'you know its a big ocean out there'. But after a bit of a chat they soon realised I knew the area well and wasn't trying to poach a mark. I was more than willing to move on with another spot not far away. But they were anchored above the mark and sending baits back, while I wanted to sit below the mark and cast lures up. I said I would stay well clear and we managed to politely fish the spot together.

It was quiet, but not dead. I managed a few Salmon and a couple of other smaller fish. But it wasn't producing the bigger fish I had hoped for. So after an hour or so I moved on to the second spot.

This spot was marking up some quality fish. With good numbers of Barra showing clearly on the Humminbird 998. But despite working the Threadybuster over and over the fish, the just would not play the game. But that seems to be a common story with the Barra of late.

I managed a few other smaller fish, but persistence paid off when eventually a decent fish hit the lure. No monster, but clearly a better fish. Soon the familiar pattern of a nice Grunter came into view and was led into the net. Just a quick iPhone photo of this one!

Only a handful of casts later and my Threadybuster was crunched by something solid. I hard hit, but took a second or two before exploding and tearing off line. The Stella 4000FI sung as the 15lb braid pealed off. But eventually the fish stopped and I was able to recover some line. Then off she went again! This repeated several times before I got a glimpse of a large silver fish in the water. At first glance I though it was a big GT, but I didn't get a good look before it was off again. But it didn't matter, all I knew is it was a big fish! Eventually I worked the fish back into view and it was then identified as a big Queenfish. Now to land this sucker! I managed to get the fish into landing range several times, but being solo I had to get it in just the right position to grab the tail. I caught a glimpse of the Threadybuster sitting in the side of the mouth, just one hook in the fish! It was a nervous few minutes, and several lunging runs later, before I got hold of the tail and lifted it aboard. At 105cm this was one lump of a fish! I managed to get the GoPro snapping some pics on auto from a rail mount. Didn't turn out too bad for a selfie! Check out the gob on that fish! Did I mention how much I love Threadybuster lures??!!

It was now later in the morning and I had promised to be home early. So after a few more casts I headed off for home. Apparently it was going to blow 15knots. But I ran home at WOT in almost glass conditions.