We have been speculating for a while now, but today it became official. The December Coral Reef Fin Fish closure, that would have seen a ban on the taking of all Coral Fin Fish over the Christmas holiday break, has been lifted. The following is an extract directly from the DPI&F website.
Fishers will be able to enjoy catching coral reef fin fish during the Christmas holidays with Primary Industries and Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin today confirming that the last of three spawning closures for 2008 has now been lifted.
Mr Mulherin said: “The lifting of the December spawning closure is now official.
“This follows an amendment to the fisheries regulation to remove the December closure.
“The final nine-day closure for coral reef fin fish, which was due in December, was lifted after we received independent scientific advice.
“This closure would have spanned the Christmas period effectively stopping many people from fishing through their Christmas holidays because the Barra closed season is also in force.
“Recreational and commercial fishers, as well as charter boat operators, have been in favour of removing the December closure as it has a significant impact on these sectors.”
Mr Mulherin said that the scientific review found that the biological effectiveness of closures was higher in October and November than in December.
“During these seasonal closures large numbers of mature fish gather in certain locations on the reefs to spawn, generally corresponding with the new moon phase,” Mr Mulherin said.
“This may make these fish easier targets for concentrated fishing and the closed seasons are used to provide additional protection during these periods.
“We want to ensure that any closures put in place are effective in ensuring that there are plenty of reef fish out there for people to catch into the future but we also need to balance this with maintain viable fishing industries.
“Two spawning closures have already been completed this year and I would like to congratulate fishers for their adherence to the two nine day closures held from 22 to 30 October and 21 to 29 November.
“There will need to be further consideration of potential closure regimes for
2009 onwards,” Mr Mulherin said.
More information on Queensland's fishing regulations can be found on the DPI&F website – www.dpi.qld.gov.au - or by calling 13 25 23.