Another VERY quiet trip

Report for 9/02/2008

Well today’s fishing trip yielded our second zero trip in a row. The disappointing thing about today’s trip is that we did everything right and had weather, tide etc all on our side! It’s got me beat what the fish were doing today.

We hit the ramp at 5am and had live bait collected from the middle reef area and headed for the horizon by about 6. Arriving at our fishing spot about 6.45, things were looking very good indeed. The previous night’s storm had moved off to sea, and water was glassy calm. But this didn't last long, as a light 5-10knot Westerly land breeze soon joined us. We drifted the mark several times hoping for some more Fingermark. But the live baits were soon all chewed up by small undersize Nannygai. Bumpa-bars and Fly did manage a couple of undersize Doggie Mackerel.

Left rather dissatisfied from our efforts at this location, we headed in toward Rattlesnake Island to where we have previously had some luck with Trevally. But not today. Not even bait was showing on the mark. We did a circuit of the Islands looking for new ground, but soon gave up and headed for home.

On the way back we went through a large patch of bait flicking the surface. This was in the area between West Point and Pallarenda. Well wide of where the Bohle would be outputting water. Even though there were masses of bait, no predators appeared to be hassling them. A drop of the bait jig quickly revealed the bait to be small herring. After playing around the area for ½ an hour or so, wondering why there was nothing feeding on this large congregation of bait, we took off for the Marina.